
EHS Insight 17.16 is now available on the Apple App Store.

It became available at some point between 10pm CST and 2am CST.

Apple Support has not yet replied to our support case with them offering an explanation for the delay.

We are currently experiencing a delay with the Apple App Store release of our latest version update for all iPhone and iPad users. Android native app users are unaffected.

Our publishing status with Apple shows the new 17.16 version fully deployed to the App Store and available to users, however, the update is not appearing on any device App Stores at this time.

We have filed a support ticket with Apple and are awaiting their response. Our experience releasing apps over the past 5 years has never witnessed more than a few minute delay past the scheduled publish date and time.

The only workaround for iOS device users at this time is to log into EHS Insight using Safari.

We apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this issue is causing.

Began at: